Sunday, 2 August 2015

Making the most of DECO1800

Based on what I have learnt from the prerequisites to this course, i expect to be learning the elements of computing design on websites and other online platforms to a higher degree. My expectations are of the more advanced design studios such as Photo Shop becoming highly relevant as they will allow me to further develop my skills for the course.

The experiences and knowledge I wish to gain is quite extensive. I understand that this course will be providing me with quite a large amount of knowledge, but I want to be able to understand all of it and make as much use of it as I can. I wish to be to be able to use the design studios to a high level of skill and use them to their full potential. I also want to be able to improve my skills with design that I have already learnt to a higher degree and cement the knowledge I gained last semester.

I'm worried about working in a team, as my level of production in a team has generally always been lower than working by myself. This is more due to the fact that I don't really communicate properly with my teammates than anything else, but this is something that I can hopefully fix up soon so it doesn't impediment my production for the project. Furthermore, I'm worried about the regularity of journal entries. I have been known to be a little forgetful, so there have been times where I haven't fulfilled the entry by the required time. Hopefully, I can practice this enough to change this.

My expectations for this course are that I will be able to learn about the design element of computing studios to a high enough level that I will be able to make use of the skills learnt in other courses.

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