Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Week 2 - The first signs of Contact!

In our first contact of the semester, our main objective was to mingle and socialize with each other. Initially, we were to split into groups based upon our month of birth to try and meet new people, however this was still fairly unsuccessful - the introductions felt forced and awkward. After this, it was decided that the best way to break the ice would be to try and establish what people liked. To do this, the tutors decided to pick a topic (for example, who do you prefer: Kanye West or Taylor Swift?) and told the class to separate based on our preferences. There was also an opportunity to select a middle ground for those who were on both sides of the argument. After several of these, the class was tasked to start researching past assignments and to use the research tool Trove to try and brainstorm some ideas about the main piece of assessment.

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